MSMEs form the backbone of Africa’s economies and are essential to the Continent’s ambition to drive job creation for its young people. MSMEs account for 38% of Africa’s GDP and account for 70% of the region’s employment. Supporting growth for MSMEs is critical to any plan to restore economic growth in the short term and support livelihoods and opportunities in the long term. However, MSMEs face numerous barriers to growth including low private capital and equity availability, limited small-scale financial products, market access and technical capacity. To unlock the potential of Africa’s next generation of entrepreneurs, access to patient capital and hands-on support are essential.

In a series of workshops and discussions, the Next Generation Africa Forum will assemble PE Firms, DFIs, MSMEs and corporates to explore innovative financial solutions for African MSMEs and provide interactive mentoring. The Forum aims to provide practical support to MSMEs leveraging knowledge and expertise from leading banks, VCs, incubators and DFIs.

09:00 | Welcome

09:15 | Panel Discussion: Leveraging Capital for African MSMEs

African MSMEs often struggle to leverage appropriate capital from formal financial sources. According to the World Bank, the MSME financing gap in Sub-Saharan Africa sits at $331 million. Blockages to finance for this ‘missing middle’ exist on both the supply and demand side of the MSME financing ecosystem.

For MSMEs deficits in corporate governance and technical skills as well as lack of collateral or proof of concept make access to credit or equity challenging. For investors and banks these same factors contribute to the high-risk perception of African markets and make it difficult to accurately assess credit ratings and potential market share. Bridging the finance gap for African MSMEs is critical to the Continent’s recovery and can offer investors an opportunity to tap into growth in the world’s youngest continent.

Discussion points:

  • How can governments, multilaterals and international corporates support the development of early-stage financing in Africa?

  • Which financial products are best suited to African MSMEs?

  • What role to DFIs and multilateral organisations have in supporting MSME investments?

  • Can banks utilise digitization to better support African MSMEs?

  • Are traditional lending approaches appropriate for African SMEs?



10:15 | Networking Break


10:45 | Workshop 1 - Transformative Financial Inclusion in the Silicon Savanna

11:30 | Pitch Session with The Nest

Join Invest Africa and Untapped Global for a live pitch session. Two entrepreneurs will try to impress our panel of business angels and secure investment.



  • Michelle Anderson, Head of Strategy, Information & Technology Office & Group Digital Partnerships, Absa

  • Hans Otterling, Partner, Northzone

  • Lelemba Phiri, Principal & Founder, Africa Trust Group


  • Zanele Matome, CEO & Founder, Welo South Africa

  • Megan Faure, CEO & Founder, Playsense South Africa



12:30 | Workshop 2 – From seed to speed – key factors to prepare your business for growth

All businesses, regardless of whether they are an emerging or mature business, have been impacted by the pandemic and are therefore seeking growth. Many however may not have the necessary foundations in place to take the business to the next level and achieve these growth ambitions. During this workshop we will discuss the core areas which need to be in place to ensure that the business is ready to capitalize on the opportunities due to the recovery taking place in the market.


13:15 | Lunch

13:45 | Workshop 3 - Africa’s digital revolution – creating and harnessing value from digital


A digital revolution across an entire continent.  Africa is an almost ‘blank canvas’ in terms of deploying and exploiting digital assets; digital is driving employment up and, in some cases, poverty down adding c$144 Billon to the continent’s economy. Africa has been inventive in it use of Digital with countries like Kenya becoming the centre for mobile per-to-peer finance. There are still challenges however – mainly internet that is affordable for all, and reliable power.

This digital revolution will attract increased cyber risks that may inhibit economic growth as evidenced by four African countries ranking among the top ten by share of users attacked by mobile malicious software. Additionally, the digital revolution will generate valuable intellectual property which, if captured and managed strategically, can promote investment opportunities in IP-rich businesses and support entrepreneurs’ ability to leverage their IP to raise finance.

So how does Africa continue and grow on its digital journey whilst creating and harnessing digital and exposing, mitigating & managing cyber risk and leveraging its IP?


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14:30 | Workshop 4 – The e Commerce Opportunity why now; why Africa & why Women? delivered by DHL

Globally there is an increased interest in hand made, authentic products. A growing African Diaspora continues to demand specific goods. e-Commerce awareness & participation has accelerated across sub-Saharan Africa during the Covid-19 pandemic. SMEs continue to be a tremendous source of growth in contributing to Country GDPs; employment and social upliftment across sub-Saharan Africa. During this workshop, you will hear from inspiring Entrepreneurs and leading organisations such as the Cherie Blair Foundation for Women who seek to create an ecosystem of learning; support and enablement to enable the next generation of female entrepreneurs in South Africa; Nigeria; Kenya and all across the African continent.


15:15 | Pitch Session with The Nest


Join Invest Africa and Untapped Global for a live pitch session. Two entrepreneurs will try to impress our panel of business angels and secure investment.



  • Umulinga Karanwa, Founder, Africa Nziza investment Advisory

  • Ben Way, Founder, The Rainmakers

  • Kristin Wilson, Lead Strategist, Spurt!Business Consulting


  • Akintola Adesanmi, CEO, Spleet

  • Natalie Casey, Chief Business Officer, Koolboks

16:15 | Closing Remarks

Our Ecosystem Partners

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