(All timings are in GMT)

09:00   Welcome and Orientation

09.10   Opening Remarks

09:30  Africa 2021: A View from Control Risks


10:00   Debate: African Resilience, New World Order

The disruption to international trade caused by Covid-19 presents some key opportunities for Africa to reposition itself in global supply chains. With the dangers of overreliance on imports exposed, Africa has a unique opportunity to accelerate the expansion of intra-African trade whilst re-asserting its position in global markets. The security offered by manufacturing closer to home could spell a period of growth for African industry, but innovative financial solutions and a renewed commitment regional cooperation will be needed to guide the continent out of the crisis.

  • How can Africa position itself as a key link in global supply chains?

  • Is intra-African trade the key to building more resilient and inclusive economies?

  • How can the private sector provide solutions to drive manufacturing and support the African Continental Free Trade Agreement?



11:00-15:00 Entrepreneur Pitch Sessions Powered by The Nest

11:15 Debate: Infrastructure Development Finance - A Key to AfCFTa

With the African Continental Free Trade Agreement delayed from July to January next year, a concerted effort will be needed if the continent’s leaders are to deliver on their promises to boost trade and drive growth. Through the pandemic Africa’s leaders have demonstrated the political will for greater cooperation with launch a regional medical supplies platform and a unified approach from Finance Ministers tackling debt. However significant investment from the private sector into infrastructure will have an essential role to play not only in Africa’s post-Covid recovery but also in its long-term prosperity.

  • How can blended finance be better leveraged to scale up investment into African infrastructure?

  • Why is there not more interest from institutional investors in African infrastructure projects?

  • What are the blockages in African infrastructure project development and how can they be overcome?




12:15 Keynote Interview

12:40 Networking Lunch

13:00  Keynote Interview with H.E. João Lourenço, President of the Republic of Angola and Tony Blair, Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

In conversation with:

14:00 Debate: Defying Market Forces - Africa, Open for Business

The impact of Covid-19 pandemic on the global economy has been deep and profound. No region or sector has been spared some disruption of realignment of services. Africa’s private sector will have an essential role to play in driving a job creating recovery and providing a backstop against rising poverty. Businesses have quickly learnt that to thrive in this new landscape innovation and flexibility are a premium. In this session, Africa’s business leaders will share the strategies they have deployed to realign services and manage changing risks as well as their view of Africa’s future as a high-growth investment destination.

  • What strategies can businesses deploy to manage rapidly changing risk profiles in the current uncertain climate?

  • What support does the African private sector need to provide a jobs-driven recovery?

  • Where are continued opportunities for growth across the Continent and which businesses are set to thrive in the Covid-19 landscape?



15:00 Investing in Resilience - Mobilising Sustainable Finance

Africa faces challenges which demand long-term solutions and, crucially, long-term finance. The profound socio-economic of Covid-19 has only reinforced the imperative to support large scale and innovate financing options which look to a sustainable future. As Africa looks to emerge from its first recession in 25 years more resilient than before, it is crucial that that stakeholders come together to build the right blended finance solutions for Africa’s long-term growth.

  • Is sustainable finance the best pathway to growth and recovery for African economies?

  • Which blended finance and de-risking instruments work for investors and DFIs?

  • Do we need a globally recognised set of sustainable finance regulations?




16:00 Networking Break

16:15   Debate: ‘Tech Enablers’: Africa Leading the Way

Africa has long been a hub for innovation and Covid-19 has accelerated the uptake of tech-driven solutions. A healthy tech and entrepreneurial ecosystem will have a key role to play in ensuring that the economies Africa builds post-Covid-19 are driven by diversification and provide inclusive pathways to prosperity.

  • What impact has Covid-19 had on the fundraising ecosystem for African tech companies?

  • How can traditional providers and new market entrants implement modern solutions that take advantage of the deep penetration of modern technology and fulfil previously unmet consumer demand?

  • Can technology fill gaps infrastructure and basic services across finance, logistics, healthcare, energy solutions and education challenges?




17:15  The Dealmakers - Fight or Flight?

According to AVCA’s most recent African PE Data Tracker the industry has demonstrated resilience in the first half of 2020, with $1.1 billion dollars of funds raised in the year to date. However, the widespread economic impact of covid-19 will be felt in the industry with exits dropping by just under 50% on where they were this time last year. With the global search for returns tightening, it is unclear how African economies will fare in these more hostile market conditions. The Continent continues to offer opportunities across financial services, healthcare, consumer goods and IT, with tech-driven investments accounting for 51% investments in the year so far.

  • Where do investable opportunities lie in the Covid-19 landscape?

  • Will economic recessions have a long-term impact on African PE as firms enter new funding rounds?

  • Have exit expectations shifted over the last 6 months?



18:15   Closing Remarks