Rt. Hon. Mark Simmonds

Chairman | Invest Africa Advisory Board

Rt Hon Mark Simmonds was The Foreign & Commonwealth office Minister with responsibilities for Africa, the Caribbean, UK Overseas Territories, International Energy and Conflict Prevention and worked closely with UKEF. He served as a Member of the UK Parliament for 14 years.  He was also a Senior Advisor to The Prime Minister David Cameron.

He focussed on driving and facilitating inward investment into Africa and the Commonwealth across a range of key economic sectors including Healthcare, Technology, Education, Financial Services, Infrastructure, Energy & Agriculture. He has a huge knowledge of the economic and political composition of African Governments, countries and regions.  He Chaired the UN Security Council on two occasions.

He now has a number of International roles. Including senior advisor to an International emerging Markets Private Equity firm. Chairman of the Global Investment platform ‘Invest Africa’ Senior Advisor to a Global Multi Strategy hedge fund. Chairman of Forever Learn (Digital Education Platform). 

He also has roles with not for profit organisations, including as Honorary Vice President of Flora & Fauna International.  He is a Trustee of the British Institute in East Africa and Board Member of Engender Health. He is a Member of her Majesty’s Privy Council.

Mark is married with 3 children.