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Private Infrastructure Development Group

The Private Infrastructure Development Group (‘PIDG’) is an innovative infrastructure development and finance organisation delivering pioneering infrastructure in the poorest and most fragile countries.

Our purpose

Our purpose is to combat poverty in the poorest and most fragile countries through pioneering infrastructure to help economies grow and change people’s lives.

Our vision

Our vision is enhanced provision of affordable and sustainable infrastructure services in low-income countries and fragile states in order to combat poverty and help economies grow. Financing for these projects should be increasingly sourced through local capital and credit markets; building capacity and resilience in frontier markets.

Our mission

Our mission is to operate at the frontier of infrastructure development in low-income countries and fragile states to combat poverty. We provide leadership, development capability, funding and finance solutions across the project cycle to support infrastructure provision that results in high development impact and develops local capacity and capability and the financing potential of local credit and capital markets.