2023 Africa Debate-6566.jpg



09:00 | Welcome note

  • Chantelé Carrington, Chief Executive Officer, Invest Africa

09:05 | Opening Remarks

  • H.E. Johnston Busingye, High Commissioner of Rwanda to the United Kingdom

09:15 | Keynote Address

  • Francis Gatare, Chief Executive Officer, Rwanda Development Board  

09:25 | The Green Finance Opportunity in Rwanda - What Are the Opportunities for UK Investors?

  • Felicien Bamporineza, Chief Executive Officer, Rwanda Green Fund

  • Rose Ngabire, Chief Operating Officer, Bank of Kigali

09:40 | The Green Economy in Rwanda - Overview of the Existing Pipeline

09:55 | Company Showcases

  1. Francine Munyaneza, Chief Executive Officer, Munyax Eco

  2. Claudia Muench, Chief Executive Officer, BioMassters

  3. Euan McDougall, Group Chief Operating Officer, DelAgua

  4. Kyle Schofield, Project Director, Zaria Group

10:40 | Q&A

10:55 | Closing

  • Lord Popat, The Prime Minister’s Trade Envoy to Rwanda (Uganda & DRC), Member House of Lords

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